Friday, June 7, 2019

How to Clean Pencil Marks Off Your Plastic Bins

Well, it's that time of year! You are packing up your things and reflecting back on what was, hopefully, an AMAZING school year. This year I will be packing up my room and moving to a new school AND a new grade level. EEKK!! I'm super excited about this new chapter in my teaching career, but let's face it, every teacher dreads the process of packing up the classroom only to know that in 2 short months, you will have to unpack it all and do this

all. over. again!

Today I'm going to share with you a quick tip on how to clean those nasty pencil marks on some of your plastic bins you might have. I love these for keeping writing tools organized for my kiddos. Everything was kept neat and easily accessible for the kids all year long. the end of the year, these bins looked worn out and pretty gross.


This year my students used these bins by the computer stations. I kept pencils and scrap paper in these and boy did they leave some dirt behind. My first thought was just to throw them away. They were only $1 and I can just get more. But, since I know I will be spending money on other things because I'll be in a new grade, I want to save as much as possible. So I tried my best at giving these a fresh, new look.

Here is what you will need:
1- Magic Erasers
2- small paint brush
3- an old toothbrush
4- Bar Keepers Friend (this is amazing stuff!!!)
5- Vegetable Oil or Olive Oil
6- any brand detergent

Step 1: Pour a small amount of your detergent into each section of the bin.

Step 2: Sprinkle about 1 tsp of the Bar Keepers Friends on top of the detergent in each section.

Step 3: Walk away for a bit. Let this sit. I found that the longer I let this mixture rest, the quicker the stains lifted.

Step 4: Take the small paint brush and start mixing!

As you mix this, really work the brush into the corners because those are the most trickiest spots! It's so hard to get those areas clean, but the more you work that brush around, those stains will start to go away or lighten up.

Step 5: Rinse out the bins once you feel like you've gotten most of the marks up. Most likely, they won't all be gone, but it should look MUCH better. (We have a few more steps to really get those tough stains.)

Step 6: Drop a small amount of the vegetable oil or olive oil into each section of the bin.

Step 7: Tear off a small piece of the Magic Eraser and place it in one section of the bin. You will use this same piece for all sections.

Use the toothbrush to push the Magic Eraser piece into the corners of your bins. At this point you will really start to see those pencil marks disappear!! YES!!! 

Step 8: Rinse the bins. You may want to add a little soap to get rid of the greasy feel from the oil. 

Good as new!!!

I plan to use these for my own personal writing tools next school year. Hopefully I won't have to clean them as often.

I really hope this helps you as you start that long process of packing and cleaning. It's not the best part of teaching, but knowing that I saved myself some money, is a huge bonus!!

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